How to change the Engine Oil – Pajero/Montero NM

This short post will describe how to change the engine oil of the Pajero Di-D 3.2.

Actually, it is pretty simple, as in almost any other car that I know.


17mm wrench


Oil filter wrench.

A pan for the used oil

The working process is pretty easy,

1. Open the filling cup (to verify it can be opened)


  • 1 – Oil filling
  • 2 – Engine oil dipstick

2. Locate the pan under the drain bolt (pan should contain ~8L – 2 Gallons of oil)



** If your Pajero has skid plates, you will have to remove them for the next steps, unless the manufacture of the skid plates allowed the access for maintenance.

3. Use the 17mm wrench to open the bolt and drain all of the used oil.

4. Using the oil filter wrench, remove the oil filter.


You should access it from under the car, put the pan under it.

5. Install a new filter, put some oil on the gasket of the new one, using your finger and screw it to its place, use your hand only for screwing it and tightening it.

6. Screw the draining bolt back to its place, don’t forget the washer.

7. Fill the engine with the new oil, you will need almost 2 gallons of oil (I used 15-40W)

8. Use the dipstick to verify the oil level is correct.

9. Start the engine, let it work for few minutes and check the oil level again, you may need to add some oil.

Good luck.



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